
Publications, conference presentations, and workshops exploring the intersection of costume design, collaboration, ethics, sustainability, and 3D digital media.

Digital Dressmaker: Theatrical patterning in digital space

Teaching video series
Self-published / Youtube
2023 (ongoing)

A regularly updated "living textbook" combining video tutorials with written step-by-step guides to educate on applying traditional theatrical patterning techniques in CLO3D.

Patterns for success: Training the next generation of costume technicians in digital garment simulation and pattern drafting software

Peer-reviewed research article
International Journal of Education & the Arts

Developed a case study on training the next generation of costume technicians in digital garment simulation and pattern drafting software.

No Wrong Answers: Just Choices

Conference presentation
United States Institute for Theatre Technology Conference
Seattle, WA. 2024

Engaged with a panel of drapers to discuss our processes for creating the same 1870s period gown designed by Susan Tsu.

The Mina Loy Project

Michigan State University Library
East Lansing, MI. 2023

Contributed research as a costume designer on the complete performances of the poetic dramas of Mina Loy.

Broad Art Museum, December 7, 2023.
University of Michigan-Flint, December 8, 2023.

Costuming the future: Exploring Maker Technologies and CLO3D Digital Patterning

Professional development workshop
United States Institute for Theatre Technology Summer Costume Symposium
Chicago, IL. 2023

Developed and delivered a 3-day workshop educating professionals on the applications of CLO in theatre.

Expanding the Given Circumstances: Identity-Conscious Costume Design

Conference presentation
49th Annual Costume Society of America Meeting and Symposium
Salt Lake City, UT. 2023 (Accepted but not presented)

Submitted an abstract examining the performer's role in the costume design process.

Creating Patterns with CLO3D

Professional development workshop
United States Institute for Theatre Technology Conference
St Louis, MI. 2023

Developed and delivered a 4-hour workshop educating professionals on the applications of CLO in theatre.

Digital Costume in Augmented Reality

Colorado State Thespians Thescon
Denver, CO. 2022

Developed and delivered a lesson in 18th century European dress silhouettes illustrated with an augmented reality experience.

Digital Pattern Drafting in CLO3D

Conference workshop
United States Institute for Theatre Technology Conference
Baltimore, MD. 2022

Presented a workshop introducing the applications of CLO in the theatrical costume shop.

Projectors for Cutting and Marking Digital Patterns

Conference workshop
United States Institute for Theatre Technology Conference
Baltimore, MD. 2022

Presented a workshop introducing the use of projectors for cutting digital patterns in the theatrical costume shop.

Les Mis:
The Video Game

The Pennsylvania State University Graduate Exhibit
State College, PA. 2021

Presented process and theory for developing virtual costumes for the characters from Victor Hugo's Les Misérables.

Graduate Exhibition Presentation.pdf

Dye Trying: Transmedial Textile Manipulation

Metropolitan State University of Denver
Denver, CO. 2021

Instructed an undergraduate workshop exploring painting with fiber reactive dyes to replicate a hand-painted watercolor digital texture map.

Ethics of Homeless Representation in Costume Design

Peer-reviewed research article
Performing Ethos: International Journal of Ethics in Theatre & Performance

Published an essay that questions how to design costumes for homeless characters without appropriating the physical appearance of real life people who experience homelessness.

Sock Talk

Teaching video
Prompt: journal of theatre theory, practice, and teaching

A workshop video demonstration that "teaches theatre with things."


Community project funding
The Pennsylvania State University Studio for Sustainability and Social Action
State College, PA. 2021

Directed a mini-documentary that explores the question, "How can we make a truly sustainable garment?"

The Crucial Creative Role of the Costume Technician

Conference presentation
Mid-America Theatre Conference
Chicago, IL. 2020

Presented a paper reflecting on the collaborative process between designer and technician on a production of A Little Night Music.

Queering Sarah Ruhl’s Eurydice through Costume Design

Conference presentation
Mid-America Theatre Conference
Cleveland, OH. 2019

Presented a paper on a theoretical production of Eurydice that applies queer theory to character costume design.

Designing for Site-Specific Theatre

The Theatre Times

Published an interview with designer Susan Tsu on her costumes for “King Lear” at Quantum Theatre.